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How to deal with challenging situations in our lives


Melody Orebiyi


14 Years

I learnt that our reality must not lead us to crumble. Instead, we should face our reality and allow our growth to be founded on our challenges
Melody Orebiyi

When I got introduced to the Youth Hut Foundational Masterclass, I was going a very tough phase of my life. I had just been diagnosed by an illness which really shattered me and made me feel really down.

The Youth Hut Foundational Master class course came in timely, and taught me that difficulties come in every bodies life, and how we react and interact with them is what will determine whether we will grow and move forward, or crumble down and remain shattered for life. This is my story

Feyikemi Oyewole


The few words you have listened to or read from the Youth Hut testimonials are, in no doubt, stories of transformation and commitment to continuous growth. You can be the next person sharing your own story of empowerment and transformation. I strongly encourage you to take the next step in your life’s journey and register with us. I assure you, this will be one of the best decisions of your life. I look forward to hearing from you.