1. Weeks Virtual Learning

Upon joining Youth Hut, the teenagers will embark on a mandatory four-week online foundational masterclass (leadership pathway), which includes teachings on the “11 tenets of learning” as adapted from the renowned leadership coach John Maxwell’s book Sometimes You Win—Sometimes You Learn for Teens– How to Turn a Loss Into A Win. Trainees will also have access to the Youth Hut journal, which serves as a formidable tool during their leadership journey to navigate their growth

2. The Maxwell DISC Method :

Six weeks after the completion of the Foundational Program, the trainees will undergo the Maxwell DISC (Deeper Insights and Stronger Communication) Personality Indicator Assessment. According to John C. Maxwell, one should know oneself to grow, and at Youth Hut, we believe that this is true. Through this assessment, the trainees will be able to consider their personal qualities, weaknesses and strengths, all of which can be developed for effective leadership. Moreover, we will also help enable them to have deeper insights into who they are and also those that surround them or those in their sphere of influence.

3. Post 90-days Reunion/Evaluation

Ninety days after completing the four-week masterclass program, the trainees will reconvene with the group they took the Foundational Program with to discuss their growth since the program. Here, we aim to ascertain that the leadership skills and lessons learned from the training have been learned and that the trainees have been applying them to their everyday lives. We will provide them with the Youth Hut Journal IT, a tool that will help them document or journal their experience up until the 90 days and after.

4. Quarterly Leadership Seminars

Our quarterly leadership seminars feature a series of carefully chosen lectures delivered by professionals in diverse fields with interactive dialogue with the trainees. Some of the lectures include Fulfilling purpose, Intentionality, Mental Health Education, Creating the work-life balance, Relationships, Decision-making, Change management, Empathy, Trust, Giving hope in uncertain times, Team Work, Leading your finances, Developing resilience, Forgiveness, The concept of apology, Networking and much more. Teenagers can participate in these seminars until they are 19 and as long as they pay the yearly membership fees.

5. In-Person Leadership Workshop:

The Youth Hut in-person leadership workshop will take place in Geneva every two years and will offer the participants with the following:

  • The opportunity to meet and socialise with teenagers across the globe.
  • An array of expert facilitators from diverse fields of human endeavour.
  • The leadership workshop will focus on a specific thematic subject that will impact the participants for a lifetime. There will be discussions, engagements, teachings, and learning with an overall agenda that engages the participants.
  • An opportunity to visit monumental places in the city of Geneva. E.g., the broken chair monumental sculpture.


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